12 Best CMS For Nextjs To Visually Manage Your Content

By Mehedi Sharif|Update: 02 Jun, 2024|04 Mins read
12 Best CMS For Nextjs To Visually Manage Your Content

Choosing the right CMS for managing the content of your nextjs website is a difficult decision since there are so many cms available in the market. After testing various cms, we've compiled a list of the best feature-rich cms for nextjs in this article.

Let's explore!

Prepr: The Conversion-Centric CMS for Next.js

prepr cms

The combination of Prepr and Next.js makes building fast, future-proof, and secure websites easy. Prepr is a powerful, conversion-centric headless CMS that integrates content management, A/B testing, and personalization into one seamless platform, turning websites into a conversion wizard.

By leveraging Prepr with Next.js, users can ensure their website delivers exceptional performance and personalized experiences, making it an ideal choice for developers and marketers looking to maximize their digital impact.

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Tina - Open Source Git-Based CMS

tina cms

Tina takes a unique approach to content management for Next.js. It's an open-source, Git-based CMS that integrates directly with your Git repository. This allows developers and content creators to work together seamlessly. Editors can use a visual interface to manage content, while developers maintain full control over the codebase.

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Dato CMS


DatoCMS provides a user-friendly interface that makes content management a breeze. Developers will appreciate its GraphQL API, enabling efficient data fetching within Next.js projects.

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hygraph cms

For complex content structures, Hygraph shines. This headless CMS offers a flexible approach with a GraphQL API, allowing you to manage content from various sources in a unified platform. Hygraph scales well, making it ideal for large and growing websites.

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Strapi - Best CMS for Nextjs

strapi - best cms for nextjs

Strapi is an open-source champion, giving developers full control and customization over the headless CMS. Its flexible API lets you build custom content types to perfectly match your project's needs. With a strong developer ecosystem offering plugins and extensions, Strapi empowers you to create bespoke content experiences.

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Sanity - Open Source API-based CMS for Nextjs

sanity cms

Sanity caters to developers who value code-first workflows. This open-source headless CMS offers a flexible data schema and the powerful GROQ query language for efficient data retrieval. Their focus on structured content makes Sanity a strong choice for building applications with complex content needs.

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CloudCannon - Premium CMS

Cloudcannon cms

CloudCannon offers a premium CMS solution built specifically for Next.js websites. It boasts a user-friendly visual editor alongside markdown and code editing options. CloudCannon integrates seamlessly with your existing Git workflow, ensuring developers and content creators can collaborate effectively. While it's a paid service, CloudCannon provides a robust set of features and a smooth development experience.

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ButterCMS - Component-based CMS for NextJs


ButterCMS takes a component-based approach to content management for Next.js. This means you can create reusable content components and easily assemble them into different page layouts. ButterCMS offers a user-friendly interface and integrates well with Next.js, making it ideal for building flexible and dynamic websites.

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prismic cms

Prismic.io is a popular headless CMS known for its user-friendly interface and robust feature set. It offers a WYSIWYG editor for easy content creation, content previews, and version control. Prismic's flexible content modeling allows you to define custom content types to perfectly match your project's needs. With a strong focus on developer experience, Prismic.io integrates seamlessly with Next.js.

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ghost cms

Ghost CMS stands out as a focused blogging platform. If your primary goal is content creation and management for a blog, Ghost offers a streamlined and user-friendly experience. It includes features like post scheduling, user roles, and a clean interface optimized for writers. While not strictly a headless CMS, Ghost can be integrated with Next.js for a hybrid approach, allowing for more customization on the front-end development side.

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contentful cms

Contentful is a managed content service (CMS) offering a robust and scalable solution. It goes beyond basic content management, providing features like content delivery networks (CDNs) and powerful APIs. While not specifically built for Next.js, Contentful integrates well with various frameworks, making it a flexible choice for complex websites with diverse content needs. However, it's important to note that Contentful is a paid service.

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Enonic - Lightweight CMS For Nextjs

enonic cms

Enonic is a headless CMS built specifically for Next.js projects. It provides a flexible schema system and a GraphQL API, allowing developers to build custom content structures and leverage modern development practices. Enonic also offers a user-friendly visual page editor and a content tree structure, empowering editors to easily manage content.

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storyblok cms

Storyblok offers a headless CMS solution with a focus on visual content management for Next.js projects. Their user-friendly interface allows editors to easily manage content through a drag-and-drop experience. Storyblok integrates seamlessly with Next.js, making it ideal for building websites with rich media content and a focus on visual storytelling.

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In conclusion, choosing the right CMS for your Next.js project depends on your specific needs and priorities. Consider factors like ease of use, developer experience, content complexity, and project scale.

Recommended Reading: Best Headless CMS